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Blog Submission Guidelines

Her Forum

Submission Guidelines for our Blog  *Please note that submission guidelines for the blog might change from time to time. Please ensure that you check the guidelines before submitting. 

  1. The post submitted must be relevant on topics concerning women or for women or women centric or related issues. 

  2. It must be written in a blog format and in simple language which can be followed by the uninitiated lay persons. Any references should be provided in parenthesis or hyperlink.

  3. The post must ideally be between 500-1000 words in length.

  4. It must be an original work of the person submitting it, even if it has been previously published. 

  5. Please email your submissions to us at with the subject ‘Guest Post Submission’ in a Microsoft Word document format. Please include the title and a short summary (1-2 lines) of the post and a short bio of yours in the body of the e-mail. 

  6. While the ownership of copyright in your post shall remain with you, by submitting it to us to be considered for publication, you grant us the license to publish it, anywhere in the world, in any medium for the full term of copyright. 

  7. We reserve the right to edit the submitted posts as we find necessary including to correct grammar, usage or punctuation or make any changes in their title, style, format etc. before publication.

  8. While we’ll try to review your submission as soon as possible, we cannot guarantee to review it within a certain time frame. However, the review of posts on recent or current developments will be prioritized over that of other posts.

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